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4 Surprising Causes of Depression

Depression is a known mental health disorder, but it’s not something many people understand fully. It’s a complex and serious medical illness. Even if you’re unfamiliar with the signs and symptoms, you’d probably be able to pinpoint a few of them if you saw a loved one struggling with depression. Loss of interest in activities, changes in appetite or eating habits, and persistent feelings of sadness are some of the most common signs and symptoms.

Something not as well-known is the exact cause of depression. For years, people believed a chemical imbalance in the brain caused depression. Although this may be true for some individuals, this isn’t always true for everyone. Some of the most common causes of depression are stressful life events, family history, illness, substance use, and abuse. But what about the not-so-common causes?

4 Surprising Causes of Depression

1. Not Prioritizing Your Own Needs

A pretty common cause of depression that isn’t as widely talked about is not prioritizing your own needs. Every single person in the world has their own basic human needs. If you’re never taking the time to fulfill those needs, it can leave feelings of dissatisfaction and emptiness. Dismissing your needs can harm your overall mental health and wellness. You have to make sure you’re prioritizing and meeting your needs, especially before extending yourself to others. If you continue to dismiss your own needs, you will experience burnout and stress, which can lead to worsening signs and symptoms of depression.

man looking into distance

2. Diet and Nutrition

Diet and nutrition play a huge role in the potential for developing depression. I’m sure you’re familiar with the phrase, “You are what you eat.” Although this isn’t a literal phrase, there is a lot of truth behind it, especially regarding your emotions and energy levels. It’s important to fuel your body properly so you have enough energy to make it through your day. Plus, your body needs and deserves healthy and well-balanced meals that are full of carbohydrates, healthy fats, and protein. You need these main components in your meals during the day to ensure that you’re staying healthy. When you start to gravitate towards food items that are processed or high in sugar or fat, it can lead to signs and symptoms of depression. It’s important to note that if you’re feeling down or sad, your appetite could change. For some, they may experience overeating or binge eating. For others, they may not be hungry at all.

3. Seasonal Changes

If you live in an area that experiences frequent weather changes, especially during different seasons, these seasonal changes can actually bring on feelings of depression. In winter months, it can be common to wake up when it’s dark out and return home from work when it’s dark out. The lack of sunlight mixed with the temperature drop can cause feelings of depression.

4. Social Media Use

Excessive social media use has become more of a problem when it comes to the development of depression. The comparison game on social media can be a hard one to dismiss. It can be fun to stay connected with friends and family members all across the world, but sometimes it may be hard to realize that everyone is posting their highlight reels. Some individuals may find themselves mindlessly scrolling and feeling bad about themselves for the posts, events they may have missed, or the number of interactions on their own posts.

Next Steps

Depression is a very serious mental health disorder. If you feel like you may be experiencing depression, it’s important to seek support as soon as you can. The longer it’s left untreated, the worse those symptoms can get over time.

If you’re interested in setting up a consultation, reach out to us today for depression treatment.

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