#315 – 20385 64th Ave, Langley V2Y 1N5 604-533-9163

Self-Care While Grieving

Most things in life come with rules, regulations, or a right and wrong way of doing things. You have to be at least 16 years old before you can drive. You must be 18 years old to vote. And you have to be 21 years old before you can have your first drink. There are laws that are put in place for everyone to follow in order for safety and security. Not everyone chooses to follow them, but they’re there for a reason, and if they’re broken, there are consequences.

Unfortunately, grief doesn’t come with a rule book. Grief is unique to each person. There isn’t a perfect way of doing it, a timeframe of how long it will take to grieve, or steps to follow to grieve faster. In fact, there isn’t really a right or a wrong way of grieving at all.

Here are a few ways for you to practice self-care while grieving.

Allow Yourself to Feel

First, allow yourself to feel all the feelings associated with your grief. The longer you try to bury those thoughts and feelings, the longer it will take to go through the grieving process. Grief can feel like a rollercoaster. You may experience happiness, sadness, anger, jealousy, etc. Allow yourself to feel all of these feelings. If you keep burying them deep inside of yourself, you’re not actually dealing with them or processing them. The sooner you let yourself feel, the sooner you’ll be able to start the grieving process and move forward in your life again.

Take Care of Yourself

Self-care is an important step for anyone. Self-care is often dismissed or pushed to the side when someone is struggling, especially mentally. In reality, self-care is something that should be made a priority, especially in times of stress. You can’t expect to fill someone else’s cup before you fill your own. You have to make sure that you’re eating enough meals, getting enough sleep, and drinking enough water each and every day. Self-care can be seen as something that is selfish. In reality, it’s necessary to ensure your wants and needs are being met.

man sitting on couch by himselfMove Your Body

Moving your body can be a positive action for both your body and your mind. When you exercise, you’re helping yourself feel better from the inside out. Exercising helps your body release “feel-good” chemicals known as endorphins. You don’t have to become a marathoner or a powerlifter to see these positive effects, either. All you have to do is find a way to enjoy moving your body for at least thirty minutes a day.

Here are a few different ways you can do this:

  • Sign up for a workout class with a friend
  • Go for a bike ride around your neighborhood
  • Hike
  • Yoga
  • Run on a treadmill

Manage Your Stress

Find ways to help you manage the stress that you’re experiencing. Try to release those emotions into activities instead of holding them inside. Here are a few different activities that you can try to better manage the stress you may be facing:

  • Start journaling
  • Listen to music
  • Read a booth
  • Take a bath
  • Meditate

Seek Additional Support

Your grief may make you feel alone or that you need to isolate, but that isn’t true. In fact, isolating yourself may actually make the signs and symptoms you’re experiencing even worse. It’s okay to ask for help or to accept it. Talking with a licensed and trained mental health professional is a great resource for helping you better understand all the thoughts and feelings associated with your grief. Plus, they’ll be able to implement healthy coping mechanisms and help you work through the different stages of the grieving process.

You don’t have to do this all on your own. Reach out to us today to set up a consultation for grief counseling or depression treatment.

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